Frequently Asked Questions


Who can become a member?

It doesn't matter if you're about to start studying or if you've been a student for a few years. Anyone between the ages of 16 and 30 who identifies with student life can become a member of A.S.V.Gay! Most of our members study at an educational institution in Amsterdam, but you're also welcome if you've graduated or are studying outside of Amsterdam.

What kind of activities do you organize?

We organize more than 100 activities per year. Check the monthly calendar to get an idea of what we organize. In principle, our activities are intended for members, but if an activity is listed as ‘open’, non-members are also welcome.

I’m in my first year, will it take too much time?

Not necessarily! We have no mandatory activities. You can participate as little or as much as you like! Have exams coming up? Feel free to skip an activity. We also take busy periods into account when planning activities since many of our members are students!

What are the benefits?

By becoming a member of A.S.V.Gay, you contribute to a strong and positive network of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer students in Amsterdam. You get discounts on all activities organized by A.S.V.Gay. Moreover, as a member, you can help develop the association's policy: by bringing proposals to the board, voting during meetings, and standing for board vacancies. You also get discounts at various partners in Amsterdam through the members app, and you can find vacancies for the best part-time jobs alongside your studies.

What is the difference between a student association and a study association?

A study association is linked to a specific program and educational institution and aims to bring the students of this programme into contact with each other. They do this by organising both academic and social activities.
A student association is open to students from all kinds of programs and educational institutions and aims to let students get in touch with other students. They do this by organising various activities in the association's theme, at A.S.V.Gay that theme is the student LGBTQ+ community in Amsterdam.

How do I become a member?

There are two periods each year when you can register: in the summer from July 1st to October 6th, and in the winter from around February 1st to March 1st. During this period, we organize various open activities to introduce you to the association in a fun and accessible way.

I’m nervous about attending my first activity, what should I do?

No problem! Many new members feel this way! We have the borrelbuddy program for this. You will meet up with a very friendly A.S.V.Gay member beforehand, and this member will introduce you to the association in a low-key manner. You can sign up for a borrelbuddy via or the sign up form.

Financial and Administrative

How much does it cost?

You pay membership dues as long as you are a member of the association. Annual membership costs €70 and is debited in one or more installments at the beginning of the academic year (from September to September). You also have the option to choose a half year membership, which costs €40.

Additionally, there may be extra costs if you want to join a club or for some additional activities (such as Ontrozing or the gala).

Automatic renewal
An annual membership is automatically renewed unless you indicate otherwise. You will receive timely notification by email with the option to unsubscribe.

Half year membership
A half year membership is not automatically renewed. At the end of your membership, you will receive an email from the secretary.

How can I change my details?

It is important for the association that all details are up to date. Therefore, promptly inform the board of any address changes and changes in personal details (name, gender, email address, etc.) by sending an email.

Can I become a member if I don’t have a European bank account (IBAN)?

Yes, you can become a member even if you don't have an IBAN. Do you still need to wait to receive your IBAN? Sign up via the sign up form and specify under IBAN when you expect to receive it. When your IBAN has arrived send your bank details to Do not expect to own an IBAN? Sign up via the sign up form and then contact the treasurer at Together with the treasurer, you can discuss the options for paying the membership fee, such as paying in cash, transferring money via another service like PayPal.

Other question?

Do you have a question that isn’t answered below or would you like a more detailed answer? Send an email, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Amsterdamse Studentenvereniging Gay
Nieuwe Achtergracht 170b
1018 WV Amsterdam
Kamer van Koophandel (Chamber of Commerce): 34382807
Account number (IBAN): NL19 INGB 0005 3956 91