We believe in connecting with businesses and institutions in the Netherlands, especially in Amsterdam. A.S.V.Gay is always looking for sponsors. We offer diverse collaboration opportunities for companies and organizations looking to increase their visibility while supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Below are the ways you can work with us.
Our Strengths
Unique Positioning A.S.V.Gay is the only student association in Amsterdam specifically focused on LGBTQ+ students, with a strong presence and engaged members.
Active Members With approximately 350 members and 21 committees organizing events throughout the year, there are countless opportunities for collaboration and promotion.
Events We organize large annual events such as galas, introduction weeks and weekends, pub crawls, and more. We also participate in Pride, where your company can be prominently visible.
Sponsoring and Advertising
Sponsorship We welcome various forms of sponsorship, from financial contributions to material support. Sponsorship offers your company the chance to be visible during our events and activities.
Advertising Unique opportunities to promote your company through our website, internal communications, and social media channels. Contact us for a tailored advertisement.
Highlighted Promotion Opportunities
Shirt Sponsor Visibility on committee shirts worn by active members throughout the year.
Advertisement in the Association App Continuous visibility in an app heavily used by our members.
Banner on the Boat during the Canal Parade Maximum visibility during one of the largest LGBTQ+ events.
Welcome Bags Reach new members directly with your logo and goodies in our welcome bags.
Advertisement in the "Wednesday Mail" Weekly visibility in an email enthusiastically read by all members.
Website Visibility on the homepage of our website with a text and link to your site.
Yearbook Lifelong visibility with an advertisement in our yearbook.
Advertisement on the Screen during our borrels (drinks) Weekly visibility during our socials.
More Information
Want to know more about partnering with A.S.V.Gay? Download our partner brochure or contact the Commissioner External Affairs or members of the Acquisition Committee. We are always open to a personal conversation to discuss the possibilities.
Want to do business with A.S.V.Gay? We’d love to hear from you
For questions, comments, or offers, contact us via email or the contact form below.
Our Acquisitions Committee is here to assist you
Fiona McLeod
Sponsoring & Acquisition
extern@asvgay.nl -
Emms Buining
Sponsoring & Acquisition
emms@asvgay.nl -
Melissa Bakker
Sponsoring & Acquisition
melissa@asvgay.nl -
Irene Taverna
Sponsoring & Acquisition