Introduction Period
Have the activities during the open period convinced you to become a member? Then a fantastic introduction period awaits you! This is the perfect way to fully enjoy association life and make new friends. At A.S.V.Gay, we believe in a fun and inviting introduction, so we do not have an initiation (no hazing), but offer Kweekweek (introduction week) and Ontrozing (introduction weekend).
No initiation,
but Ontrozing
Kweekweek is our introduction week where you’ll get to know the Amsterdam student life, the association, and its members. This week consists of around 5 activities, including a pub crawl, a city game, a themed borrel, and more. You’ll do these activities with your ‘family’ - small groups of new members guided by 2-3 experienced A.S.V.Gay members as ‘parents’. This way, you’ll easily get to know the association as a new member, making connections between different ‘generations’ of the association. Kweekweek is the moment to meet your own A.S.V.Gay family!
Join us for Ontrozing, our famous introduction weekend, for a weekend full of fun, drinks (alcoholic or non-alcoholic), games, themed parties, and great people. There’s even a talent show where you can showcase your (hidden) talents, or lack thereof, to other members! It’s the perfect opportunity to get to know all the other new members in a relaxed and super fun atmosphere. Remember: nothing is mandatory, everything is allowed!
Note: These introduction activities are organized for new members. Once you’ve signed up with A.S.V.Gay, you’ll receive more information and can sign up for these activities.