Are you a (soon-to-be) former member but not quite ready to let go of A.S.V.Gay? Sign up for alumni membership!
Become an alumnx
You’ve been a member of A.S.V.Gay for years, but now the thought of weekly borrels tires you out. You’re no longer a student, but letting go of your wonderful time with the association is tough. Fortunately, the Alumni Committee is here for you!
They organize several activities each year that you can attend. Every six weeks, they host the alumni borrel, where you can catch up with other alumni and older members of A.S.V.Gay. You also get discounts on some A.S.V.Gay activities. All this for a small fee of just €20 per association year. This way, you continue to support your old association and stay connected with other alumni.
Support the association
You are also welcome to make an additional donation to the association to provide extra support.
Just as the association has its Ontrozing, the alumni have their Ontgrijzing! Since this year, the alumni have organized their own Ontgrijzing, where all the 'oldies' of the alumni relive the old times. The beer relay was just as fiercely contested as before, and to top it all off, there was a talent show with old and new acts. There was laughter until tears flowed, and more than ever before, they went home on Sunday with small eyes and a big hangover. Definitely an activity you don’t want to miss as an alumnx!