Internationale Studenten

Gefeliciteerd! Je hebt de keuze gemaakt om te studeren in het buitenland. Of misschien ben je het nog aan het overwegen?

Alhoewel dit allereerst een leuke ervaring is, kan dit ook heel spannend zijn. Je gaat immers een aantal maanden weg van je vertrouwende omgeving vrienden en familie. Één ding is zeker: je studie zal leuk zijn. Maar wat nu verder? Laat ons je helpen.
Je bent vast op onze website terecht gekomen omdat je je betrokken voelt bij de LHBTQ+ community of weet dat het queer leven in Amsterdam jou als internationale student veel te bieden heeft.  Dat klopt helemaal! Als dé LHBTQ+ studentenvereniging van Amsterdam, biedt A.S.V.Gay jou de perfecte gelegenheid om tijdens jouw verblijf in Nederland een leuke tijd te hebben en in contact te komen met veel andere queer studenten.

Maar wat is een studentenvereniging en waarom zou je van deze studentenvereniging lid worden?

Studievereniging vs studentenvereniging

In Nederland wordt er gebruik gemaakt van twee termen: een studievereniging en een studentenvereniging. Verwarrend hè?

Een studievereniging is gekoppeld aan een specifieke opleiding en onderwijsinstelling en heeft als doel het in contact komen met medestudenten uit verschillende studiejaren en het ondersteunen in je studie. Ze organiseren zowel academische als sociale activiteiten, zoals lezingen, workshops en studiereizen.

Een studentenvereniging is open voor studenten van allerlei opleidingen en onderwijsinstellingen. Naast het maken van nieuwe vrienden (met elke mogelijke interesse), bieden ze kansen om ervaringen op te doen in vele verschillende richtingen) en zijn de activiteiten eindeloos.

Disclaimer: vrijwel al onze leden spreken goed Engels. Voel je niet ontmoedigd om bij een groep aan te sluiten die Nederlands met elkaar praat, want niemand vindt het erg om naar Engels over te schakelen! Wil je Nederlands leren? Zeg het dan vooral. Wil je andere leden jouw taal leren? Daar zijn ook veel leden in geïnteresseerd.

Wat heeft onze studentenvereniging jou te bieden?

  • Je ontmoet veel verschillende mensen. Je blijft op deze manier niet alleen binnen de ‘internationale studentengroep’, maar ontmoet ook lokale studenten. Op deze manier krijg je alle ins en outs mee van Amsterdam en kan je gemakkelijker bijvoorbeeld Nederlands leren.

  • A.S.V.Gay bestaat uit 30% internationale leden, dus alles wordt ook in het Engels aangeboden. We hebben leden van vele verschillende nationaliteiten, waarmee je altijd ervaringen kan uitwisselen en nieuwe dingen kan leren. Op deze manier kun je ook veel tips en informatie ontvangen. Bovendien spreken vrijwel al onze leden goed Engels.

  • Plezier en vrienden. Het allerbelangrijkste van een studentenvereniging, en is universeel geldend: er worden veel activiteiten georganiseerd en je maakt vrienden voor het leven. Het klinkt cheesy, maar het is gewoon de waarheid.

  • Wij hebben een gezelschap genaamd ‘The Bridge’, waar activiteiten specifiek worden georganiseerd om internationale leden samen te brengen met lokale leden. Voor meer informatie over ‘The Bridge’, zie ‘gezelschappen’.

Eerst zien, dan geloven?

Kom dan vooral langs op onze open borrels en activiteiten. Houd onze website en social media in de gaten voor meer informatie.
Ben je benieuwd naar de ervaring van onze internationale leden? Lees hieronder dan hun eigen ervaringen bij A.S.V.Gay!

“I’ve had a blast at the dinners, parties, games, borrels and other activities. But there’s also the bittersweet realization that my time in the Netherlands is temporary.


Hey! My name is William (he/him), and aside from being a newer member of A.S.V.Gay, I also belong to the approximately 30% of international students in the association. I joined A.S.V.Gay in early February 2024 because, as a queer person, finding a supportive community was important to me. Moreover, student associations aren't really a thing we have in Denmark, which is why joining one was a high priority for me, and A.S.V.Gay seemed quite natural. 

In the short time I've been here, I've already learned a lot, especially about Dutch culture, thanks to my new Dutch friends and the events organized by the association. The community here is incredibly open and safe, which has been a refreshing change for me. It's been a source of inspiration and growth, and I've really enjoyed being a part of it. And let's not forget how impressive it is that the Dutch are so fluent in English. 

In summary, my time with A.S.V.Gay has been filled with highs and a few lows. On the upside, I've had a blast at the dinners, parties, games, borrels and other activities. But there's also the bittersweet realization that my time in the Netherlands is temporary, and figuring out how to leave the association come summer is going to be a challenge.

William, member since February 2024

“I am forever thankful for the association for not only being a safe space to discover myself but also for allowing me to experience the Netherlands in the most fun and queer way possible."


Hey there! I’m Natália, 21, from São Paulo-Brazil and currently doing my exchange in Economics, Business and Politics at UvA this semester.

Coming from a not very LGBT+ accepting family background, when my university at home offered me the opportunity to do an exchange abroad, I immediately knew this would be my chance to finally be on my own, explore who I am, and connect with great queer people who I can relate to and, most importantly, feeling safe. What better place to go than Amsterdam?! 

After an 11-hour flight across the ocean and a couple of weeks living here, life felt quite lonely and people were not so easy to connect to. Luckily, I saw A.S.V.Gay’s Open Game Night announcement and it was my best decision to join it. Although I am the absolute worst person when it comes to understanding board game rules, I had a lot of fun and knew I had to join more of the association’s events! Soon I saw myself anxiously waiting for the next Wednesdays borrels every week! 

Personally, the most memorable moment so far was the gala, because it was the prom night with all the queers that I never had and always wished for, perhaps without even knowing. After a whole evening dancing to 2000s anthems with fancy-dressed queers, I arrived home completely ecstatic and thankful for the super nice people who I had just met - even though some told me I looked just like Hillary Clinton with my fully red suit (I still laugh about this though). This was more special and liberating for me than you can imagine. 

I love the diversity and great frequency of events, from partying to visiting the IHLIA’s LGBT+ archives in the library, there’s always a chance to discover something new - also about yourself! Of course, everything is made more special when people are willing to help you integrate and feel welcomed, and I am so grateful for those of you who have done that for me in my shy moments or when I didn’t know anyone at first, but also those who have invited me to join the association and its events, those who danced with me at EXIT after the borrels, and those who gave me the best tips about Amsterdam and the queer spots here. Here I must add my special thanks to Matheus, my favorite Brazilian in the Netherlands who A.S.V.Gay connected me with. Around you all in A.S.V.Gay, I feel inspired by how you bond with one another, how unapologetically queer you are, and even how you dress in such uniquely cool ways - it makes me encouraged to unleash both the little butch and the hyper-femme in me hahaha. 

Not even three months have gone by and I already feel totally transformed by my experience in A.S.V.Gay. I am forever thankful for the association for not only being a safe space to discover myself but also for allowing me to experience the Netherlands in the most fun and queer way possible. I am sure that I will come back to São Paulo feeling more confident embracing who I am and more encouraged to stand up for my own truth.

Natália, member since February 2024

“The majority of the members are Dutch, but they never let you feel left out because of language or cultural differences”

“Oiê! My name is Matheus, originally from Brazil, and I became an A.S.V. Gay member in February 2023.

I went to a borrel for the first time invited by my then roommate, who was interested in the association and followed it on Instagram. Since everyone in the apartment went to the borrel that night, I didn’t have to use the buddy the association offers to new members. Not even on the second time?, you may ask, and I’ll say: no. By the first ime already the members were very friendly and weren’t shy to make conversation and make everyone feel welcome, so by the second time, I was already quite comfortable to go by myself to the borrel.

Over the last months, after having been to many borrels and activities, including joining Chaotic Queers, I came to have many acquaintances and friends in the association, both Dutch and international. And I believe this is also what makes A.S.V. Gay special: the majority of the members are Dutch, but they never let you feel left out because of language or cultural differences. Everyone has shown interest in my roots and on the other hand have offered to help me practice my Dutch, which I am finally feeling comfortable to try out at the borrels.

So if I had to describe shortly the soul of the association I would say: “inclusivity in all aspects”, since not only LGBTQIA+ identities are enshrined on the openness of the association, but also nationalities, disabilities, neurodivergences, and any other difference that might be relevant for each individual. So I’d say to potential new members to not be afraid to come to an activity or to ask or request something regarding accessibility. Everyone is there hoping to create a space where each and everyone can feel safely at home. It is this strong sense of community that makes me want to go back to events and see other A.S.V.Gayers again and again.”

Matheus, member since February 2023