Member Stories
“So I made amazing queer friends, cycled all over Amsterdam to attend the activities, and often came home feeling incredibly happy.”
At the start of my second academic year, I decided to check out A.S.V.Gay. Specifically, at the pub crawl. I had been living in Amsterdam for a year, and although I loved the city, it didn't feel like home yet. All that changed in my first few weeks at the association. I went on Ontrozing, A.S.V.Gay's introduction weekend, and had SUCH a great time that I immediately signed up for the Ontrozing Committee afterward.
So, over the year, I got to know more and more people, made amazing queer friends, cycled all over Amsterdam to attend the activities, and often came home feeling incredibly happy. Flash forward, I'm starting my second A.S.V.Gay year and am part of board 14! If you had told me a year ago, nervously arriving at my first borrel, that this would happen, I wouldn't have believed it, but every day I'm thankful for the people I've met and can't wait for the future!
Niek, member since october 2022
“During my membership with the association, I have made an incredible number of new best friends. It’s truly one of the best choices of my life.
I found the idea of joining a student association quite scary, especially because I’m attracted to men and was really afraid I wouldn’t be accepted. Then I saw A.S.V.Gay’s table on campus. I suddenly became curious about a student association for queer people. I started DM-ing the A.S.V.Gay Instagram account and was told about open borrel evenings and activities. I went to an open borrel and had a great time there. Looking back, it might have been wiser to request a borrelbuddy since I had to approach people myself. After the open borrel, I went to a special Valentine’s Day activity where we got writing tips for creating a poem, and you could write a poem. I wrote a beautiful poem about my great love. During my membership with this association, I have made an incredible number of new best friends. It’s truly one of the best choices of my life. A.S.V.Gay stands for being queer and being able to be queer. You are always received with an open heart and full of love. In short: become a member, you won’t regret it.
Immi, member since February 2023
“Now I run into friends everywhere. I get invited to parties, do activities, travel, and get to know the city better.
At first glance, Amsterdam seemed like an exaggerated Hollywood movie. Everyone seemed to be doing everything at once, and for someone who came from a simple village, it was quite overwhelming. It’s impossible to feel at home in such a place if you don’t know anyone. The city has so many windows; broken, taken out, put in, and covered, and behind each window are unknown people with unknown stories.
Before I joined A.S.V.Gay, I just wandered around Amsterdam. Now I’m truly here. I was taken behind the windows of Amstel Fifty Four where I used to walk by unknowingly, and I got to know all the lovely people who used to be part of the overwhelming crowd of strangers in Amsterdam.
Now I run into friends everywhere. I get invited to parties, do activities, travel, and get to know the city better. Looking back, now that I have found my place here and have met so many people, Amsterdam turned out to be nothing more than a simple village too.
Julie, member since February 2024
At the beginning of my studies in 2019, I came across A.S.V.Gay on social media. For a few years, I followed their account without becoming a member. All those people looked so ‘gezellig’ and confident that I found it a bit intimidating. Thanks to someone I met during my studies, I finally decided to check it out in 2022. Going to a borrel alone was very daunting, so I signed up for a borrelbuddy. With a group, we had drinks before the borrel, and our buddy told us all about the association. They also introduced us to different people at the borrel, and everyone was incredibly friendly and interested. I still feel very welcome at the borrels. People always ask how you’re doing, and there’s always room for a serious conversation. But you can also easily gather people to go out later in the evening.
As a new member, I participated in Kweekweek. I liked that you could choose which activities to join. Nothing was mandatory. I experienced the same during Ontrozing. After the introduction period, I joined the First-Year Committee. Everyone highly recommended joining a committee. This way, I quickly got to know many new people and found my place within the association.
What I like about the association is that everything is allowed, whether you want to participate in everything or just drop by occasionally. That’s what makes A.S.V.Gay special to me; you’re always welcome. Even if you only come by once a month, everyone is always happy to see you. A.S.V.Gay in one word; Unpretentious ‘gezelligheid’.
“A.S.V.Gay in one word; Unpretentious ‘gezelligheid’.
Margit, member since October 2022